In 2015, our volunteers took to the street dozens of times to engage fellow youth. They collected pledge signatures, they answered tough questions about democracy, and they candidly shared their perspectives on the importance of voting, over and over again, to friends and strangers alike.
Thank you.
Katie Amodeo
Nataleigh Ballantyne
Chloe Brown
Peggy Chen
Nicole Courrier
Andrea Crump
Christian Cullis
Harry Dearden
Victoria Dempster
Samantha Farres
Alex D Gioseffo
Allison Goodman
Afifa Hashimi
Marshall Jefferies
Ted Jefferies
Martina Kudumija
Justin Manuel
Hazen Matthew
Kent Mundle
Jose Ramon Marti
Tristan Rivé
Patrick Rose
Chelsea Sexton
Christina Vietinghoff
Kelsey Williams